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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Schroeder KM and Remage-Healey L. 2024. Social and auditory experience shapes forebrain responsiveness in
zebra finches before the sensitive period of vocal learning. Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (21): jeb247956. DOI
Podos J and Schroeder KM. 2024. Ecological Speciation in Darwin’s Finches: Ghosts of Finches Future. Science 386(6718): 211-217. DOI
Schroeder KM and Podos J. 2023. Early exposure to songs of another subspecies enhances song discrimination in wild sparrow nestlings. Animal Behaviour 203: 123-132. DOI
Schroeder KM and Remage-Healey L. 2021. Adult-like neural representation of species-specific vocalizations in the auditory forebrain of zebra finch nestlings. Developmental Neurobiology 81(2): 123-138. DOI PDF
Schroeder KM and McRae SB. 2020. Automated auditory detection of a rare, secretive marsh bird with infrequent and acoustically indistinct vocalizations. IBIS 162(3):1033-1046. DOI PDF
Schroeder KM and McRae SB. 2019. Vocal repertoire of the King Rail (Rallus elegans). Waterbirds 42(2): 154-167. DOI   PDF
Lansverk AL, Schroeder KM, London SE, Griffith SC, Clayton DF, and Balakrishnan CN. 2019. The variability of song variability in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) populations. Royal Society Open Science 6: 190273. DOI
Schroeder KM and McRae SB. 2018. Variable laying times among king rails (Rallus elegans). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(4): 1036-1041. PDF
Stiffler L, Schroeder KM, McRae SB, Katzner T, and Anderson J. 2018. Quantitative acoustic differentiation of cryptic species: an example with king and clapper rails in eastern North America. Ecology and Evolution 8(24):12821-12831. PDF

Coverage of my research in the media...

Oct 2024: Check out some articles about our recent Science paper on ecological speciation in Darwin's finches!

July 2023: New publication thread on early learning in nestling songbirds

Jan 2021: New publication thread about the first chapter of my dissertation (additionally featured on the UMass College of Natural Sciences Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences website). Wahoo!
May 2020: See the panels below for features of my masters research.

Award-winning nature writer and photographer, Todd Pusser, wrote an article about my king rail research at Mackay Island NWR for Wildlife in North Carolina magazine. It was a blast to have Todd tag along for our fieldwork on the refuge! Click the image here to view a PDF of the article.

Our paper on automated detection of king rails was covered by The Wildlife Society in May 2020! Click on the image below to read the article!

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Katie M. Schroeder

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